Clothed With The Sun - Being The Book Of The Illuminations is a collection of channeled texts received in sleep and trance states by the early Theosophist, animal rights activist and vegan Anna Kingsford. The book was published posthumously after her premature death at the age of forty-one by her collaborator Edward Maitland, who assembled the book out of her notebooks and manuscripts.
Anna Kingsford dedicated her life to collect her visions and dreams - with the greatest accuracy - that according to her understanding, were divine revelations. Kingsford’s inner journey was a demonstration of the great doctrine, the rehabilitation of which was an important part of her mission - the doctrine of the pre-existence of the soul or Ego: of its persistence through all changes of form and conditions, and of its power, while still in the body, to recover and communicate to its exterior selfhood its recollections of its past existences.
Clothed With The Sun - Being The Book Of The Illuminations is recognized by many scholars as being culturally important. This new edition from Azafran Books comes with updated formatting and editing so as to bring a smooth reading experience to the contemporary reader.
Anna Kingsford was an extraordinary 19th Century woman. She was one of the first women in Britain to become a medical doctor, edited a feminist newspaper, and served as president of the Theosophical Society. She knew Helena P. Blatavsky, Eliphas Levi, and many other primary figures in Occult and Esoteric circles of the time. She was considered one of the inspirations for the Golden Dawn, a ritual magic secret society, although she did not live to join it.