Oriental Mysticismis a concise study of the key concepts of Sufi philosophy, written by a western scholar Edward Henry Palmer (E.H. Palmer) in the mid-19th century. The work is founded upon a Persian manuscript treatise by Azíz bin Mohammed Nafasí. Palmer endeavoured to give a clearer and more succinct account of the system than would have been afforded by a mere translation.
In Oriental Mysticism Palmer discusses the spiritual journey that Sufis take on the path to oneness with God. Steering a mid-course between the pantheism of India on the one hand and the deism of the Qurán on the other, the Sufi path is the religion of beauty, where heavenly perfection is considered under the imperfect type of earthly loveliness. In Oriental MysticismPalmer introduces the process, or journey, the ultimate object of which is the knowledge of the Infinite Majesty of God. Exploring the terms of the Traveller, Road and Stages he guides the reader through 4 parts reaching the ultimate discussion which is the Study of Man.
For the benefit of those who study oriental poetry a very useful feature of this book is the glossary of poetic symbols used in Persian Sufi literature.
This new edition from Azafran Books is newly formatted, edited, and redesigned for the contemporary reader.